God The Gardner

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Genesis 2:15

The other day I heard some of our church members talking about planting vegetables in their gardens. Hopefully with all the rains that we have had so far this year and the spring weather causing warmer weather, they will have bumper crops!

Seems like the subject of gardening is sprouting up everywhere. The cultivation and care for living and growing things are deeply rooted in our souls. As created beings, we are all part of God’s garden. I often think of God as a Creator God, but I seldom think of God as a gardener.

In the beginning, God planted us human beings in his perfect garden. The story of creation reminds us that God is the original gardener. He created vegetation, seed-bearing plants, fruit trees, and all kinds of produce. From the beginning, God intended this first garden to produce food for all kinds of creatures and humankind year after year.

Thought For Today: Genesis 2:15 shows us that God planted people in the first garden to work in and take care of it. Gardening involves cultivating, planting, watering, pruning, protecting, harvesting, and much more. We were designed to care for the earth, God’s creation, and each other. Today, remember that cultivation is rooted in our beginning and our continual thriving in God’s garden.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Thank God that you have been planted in the Lord’s garden. Ask God to reveal how you can work and take care of God’s creation. Deo Volente.

Kris Pei