Rescue Mission

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save those who were lost.” Luke 19:10

Last week a 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit Taiwan. As I watched the news and saw pictures, the authorities were combing through the rubble seeking to find survivors. Natural disasters hit all over the world. At times like these governments call on the National Guard or other agencies to be part of a rescue mission.

As volunteers are going through the ruble, no one is asking the question how much is this costing? The rescue workers are putting their own lives on the line searching in order that one more person might be found and saved.

As Christians, we too are on a rescue mission. There are many people living in the rubble of life. They have been beaten up and injured through the realities of daily life.

Thought For Today: Do you consider yourself a Rescue Worker for Jesus, going out into the world searching for one more person that might be saved by the grace of Jesus?

Today’s Prayer Focus: Ask God to lead you to that one person with whom you might share the love and good news of Jesus in order that they might be rescued from this world of sin and saved by the grace of God. Deo Volente.

Kris Pei