Reopening Update #1

Hello, Wintersburg Faithful! 

God is guiding us by providing wisdom and discernment on how and when to restart church services. Here is the latest update from our reopening team.

What we know:

  • Our values

    • Obedience to the Lord and His Word. 

    • Concern for the physical safety and spiritual well-being of our congregation.

    • Submission to authorities and love for our neighbors as witnesses for Christ.

  • Our team
    We have a team of Wintersburg staff members (see names below) that are specifically focused on doing research and creating a recommended action plan for reopening. This action plan will be submitted to the Session for final approval.

  • Our approach
    When we reopen church it will be done in a gradual manner, with a modified service program. We will start with the lowest risk attendees at first, and will scale up capacity slowly based on observed results.

  • Our timeline
    There will be no in-person church services through the month of June. Virtual services will continue.

What we are currently doing:

  • Research
    The reopening team is studying COVID-19 technical data, denominational recommendations, and federal, state and local regulations. We are also taking survey of the practices of other churches and their results. 

  • Prioritizing Safety and True Worship
    The safety of our congregation is of utmost consideration as we seek to obey the Lord’s commandment to meet together for worship. Our goal is to include all the essential elements of corporate worship while keeping everyone as safe as possible. Many ideas are being considered and discussed.

  • Praying and Trusting the Lord
    God knows what is best for Wintersburg, and we entrust everything into his hands. As we work through the process of thinking of how to reopen, and what it will take to do so, pray that we will be able to be diligent and mindful.

We'll keep everyone updated on a regular basis as things progress! Please check back for new updates.

From your Wintersburg Reopening Team: 
Sue Masamitsu, Ryan Teramoto, Mike Uyeda, and Miles Yano

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