Our mission is to walk alongside Middle School and High School students to building authentic faith and to be equipped and stride onward to share the gospel with their communities.

Special K - Middle School Ministry

The "K" in Special K stands for Koinonia, the Greek word for fellowship. At Special K, our ministry for 6th-8th graders, we have fellowship with both God and our friends. We are committed to proclaiming the good news of Christ and learning about the foundations of the Christian faith. Each night we have a time of singing praises, playing some crazy games, hanging out, and snacks (a must). Basically, great Christian fellowship.

Ike Pono - High School Ministry

Ike Pono is Hawaiian for "to seek righteousness." At Ike Pono, our ministry for high school students, we seek to grow deeper in our love and commitment to Jesus. We are committed to proclaiming the good news and teaching on the deeper truths of the Christian faith. We have a time of singing praises to God, hearing from the Word of God, and small group discussion and accountability. Join us as we seek to know and love God and each other.

Friday Nights

7:30pm - 9:30pm / Social Hall

Our Friday night gathering is a high-energy experience which consists of, worship, games, fellowship, and small group discussions. This is a great way to help students connect with each other and with incredible adult leaders who care about who they are becoming! We’d love to see you there!

Sunday Mornings

10:00am / Main Sanctuary

Join us Sunday mornings in the main sanctuary as we worship together and engage in God’s word. We believe in the value of multi-generational worship and want to stay connected to the bigger church body!


For more information, feel free to contact our Youth Minister, Jesse Hahn, at