Wait For The Lord

“Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!” Psalm 27:14

As I have been watching the news and the release of hostages from Hamas, I know that these families have been anxiously waiting for their loved ones to return home. These families have waited nearly two months and have gone through some agonizing times of not knowing the condition of their family members and friends.

Waiting is often one of the hardest things we have to do. If we do not see immediate results, it’s easy to give up, assuming we will never receive answers. It can seem that our needs will never be met and our burdens will never be lifted.

But the Bible teaches us to expectantly “wait for the Lord.” We are not to be afraid or worried. Rather, we are to “be of good courage.” As we look to God and wait for Him, the Bible promises that He will strengthen our hearts and revive our spirits.

Today, it may seem that God is not hearing your prayers, or that your problems never will be solved. But don’t give up or be discouraged. Rather, be bold and courageous. Have faith.

Thought For Today: Continue to commit your needs to Him. Trust Him, and keep seeking Him. Believe that His promises are true and that your prayers will be answered. As you wait on Him, He will strengthen you, provide for your needs, and grant you victory.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Pray for our nation and a peaceful result of the ongoing Israeli and Palestinian conflict. Deo Volente.

Kris Pei