
“For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 6:23

The other day I witnessed a car stopping at an intersection and as a man was making a left turn he stopped and told the woman driver that she had her drink on top of her car.

Watching this scene unfold, I wondered if she was so distracted by the places she needed to go or the things that she needed to do that made her forget about her drink on top of her car.

This time of the year it is so easy to get distracted with the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season that we may forget about the true meaning of Christmas. We too are distracted by the places that we need to go and the things we need to do that we forget that the Christmas season is all about Christ and his coming to save us from our sins.

What is the true meaning of Christmas? Luke 19:10 tells us that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.” Matthew 1:21 tells us that Jesus would save us from our sins. Luke 2:10 says that unto us is born this day in the city of David, a Savior.

Thought For Today: With 16 days until Christmas, we still have the opportunity to slow down and remember the reason for the season. That Christ came into the world to save us from our sins and to purchase a place in heaven for all eternity. Take time today to confess your sins before a holy and righteous God and thank him for the best gift ever, the free gift of eternal life offered through His Son. Don’t be distracted by all the places you need to go that you forget about the best place of all, the place we call heaven.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Thank God that He sent His only son into the world to save you from your sins. In Jesus Christ, we are totally forgiven. There is nothing we have done, said, thought, or failed to do that the blood of Jesus has not forgiven us for. Deo Volente.

Kris Pei