Devoted To Prayer

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42

Acts 2:42 teaches us that the work of the early church was a devotion to prayer. After the apostles gathered together for prayer the church began to grow in numbers as well as spiritual depth and maturity. Although it may be hard to pray at times, we must resist the temptations of Satan not to pray. I love the quote by the 18th century revivalist Andrew Murray. He wrote:

“It was a master stroke of the devil to bring the church to the point of laying aside prayer. If we give up praying the devil could care less about any structure or program that we would dare to build. As long as we don't bring in the mighty power of God through earnest persistent, believing prayer, there is very little for Satan to fear. But a church and it's people that will unite in common purpose with a foundation built on bold prayer will find an uncommon power with unbelievable results.

Thought For Today: What part does corporate prayer play in your life. Would you be willing to join others in times of prayer. There is a prayer meeting on Sunday’s at 8:45 that meets in the old Junior Church area. Remember nothing of “eternal value” happens without prayer.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Pray that God would give to Wintersburg a heart of earnest, persistent, believing prayer that we might see an uncommon power with unbelievable results. Deo Volente.

Kris Pei