Read, Study, and Memorize

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16

If you are a fan of professional football, you know that we are in the midst of the playoffs to see who is going to be playing in the Super Bowl. This Sunday my team, the San Francisco 49er’s will be playing against Brian Gee’s favorite team, the Green Bay Packers.

In any given football game, you might hear the quarterback in the huddle calling the next play. It might be something like “Green Right X Shift to Viper Right 382 X Stick Lookie.” Now, what is that? That is a standard NFL play call that a quarterback has to remember each and every play.

What does this play call mean? It tells the offense, what formation they are going to be in, what type of play it is, (a run or a pass) the protection scheme that the offensive line needs to know in order to block the opponent, and the cadence. Every NFL coach has their own system of verbiage, but each play will have these 4 details. Every NFL team has between 500 to 1000 plays in their playbook and for a game. Most coaches have about 100 plays already charted that they think will help their team win.

It is the responsibility of each offensive player to read, study, and memorize the playbook in order that they might be able to execute the play successfully. If the player neglects to read, study, and memorize the playbook, most likely they will not get into the game and in a crucial situation, could cost their team the game.

Thought For Today: In our Christian life as in football, it is important to read, study, and memorize the playbook in order for us to execute (apply) what God desires for us. For us as Christians, our playbook is the bible. How well are you executing (applying) God’s Word to your life?

Today’s Prayer Focus: Thank God for His Word. Pray that God would grant you the heart to read, study, memorize, and know His word so that you might execute it in your daily life. Deo Volente.

Note from the editor: Wintersburg Church does not support nor endorse the sports team fandoms expressed in this article, particularly teams from the Bay Area…

Kris Pei