Taking Inventory

“Lord, teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

As we came to the last week of 2023, I was surprised at how many well-known famous people passed away. Matthew Perry, Jim Brown, Raquel Welch, Tina Turner, Lisa Marie Presley, Harry Belafonte, and many many more.

With each passing, I learned more and more about the legacy they left behind. The coming year will give us many opportunities to write the story we want to be remembered by. What will people say about you?

The beginning of a new year is also a good time to take stock of where we are spiritually. How was your spiritual life in 2023 and what changes would you like to see happen in 2024?

Thought For Today: Take time today to take this spiritual inventory of where you stand with God on January 3, 2024.

  • Are you growing in the Christian Faith?

  • Does your life resemble that of our Lord and Savior more today than it did last year at this time?

  • Has your love for our Savior grown?

  • Have you grown in your understanding and knowledge of God?

  • Have you used your spiritual gifts to bless the body of Christ and to make an eternal difference for the Kingdom of God?

  • Have you been involved in a Discipleship Class, Bible Study, or Small Group to learn and grow and to fellowship with other believers?

  • How have your quiet times been this past year? Have they been good and consistent?

  • Do you have a better grasp of the Word of God today than you did a year ago?

  • Have you been obedient to apply that which you have learned?

  • Have you been a significant witness to the love and truth of God to your family and friends, those among whom you work with?

  • Does your life reflect the fact that you have met Jesus and that a nonbeliever would know that you are a Christian by the way that you live?

  • Have your times of prayer been consistent and have you seen answers to your prayers?

Today’s Prayer Focus: What areas of your spiritual life would you like to commit to the Lord for you, your family, and Wintersburg Church? Deo Volente.

Kris Pei