
"Come, let us sing to the LORD!

Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.

Let us come to him with thanksgiving.

Let us sing songs of praise to him.

For the LORD is a great God,

A great King above all gods."

Psalm 95:1-5

My hope and prayer for our Wintersburg Church family is that the year 2024 brings a fresh hope that a new year brings. On this Lord’s Day, what better way to start than with worship?

The above scripture verse reminds us that worship is singing, worship is shouting with joy, worship is coming to him with thankfulness, and worship is bringing our praise, reflecting on the goodness of our God in contrast to all the other things we chase.

Worship is not about pretending there are no hardships in life, but it IS about thanking God for being with you through it. Think about the year 2023, and all its challenges and goodness. Imagine how the year would have gone if you did not have God's forgiveness, his grace, his mission, his peace, his hope, imagine if you didn't have him. Imagine where you would be if he didn't have a place in your heart.

Thought For Today: Let that thought lead you into praise of the God who is with us, who is with you, as we step into an unknown year ahead. Join us today for our first Worship Service of 2024 in church or on our online stream. Come, let us sing to the LORD, together!

Today’s Prayer Focus: Let today be filled with ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplications). Deo Volente.

Kris Pei