What’s On Your Mind?

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.” Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV)

The Bible teaches us that our minds are to be brought under the control of Christ. The reason is because how we act is determined by how we think. If God is to change our lives, he must first change our minds.

The human mind does not exist in a vacuum. Either it will be filled with good or with evil. It will be filled with Christ or the things of the Devil. It will be filled with godly things or the things of the world. Therefore, it is important to watch what we allow to enter our minds. We must be careful to the things we watch on TV, the books we read, and the people around us who negatively influence us.

It is not enough however to put bad thoughts out of our mind, we must also replace those bad thoughts with good thoughts. Thoughts that are shaped by God and His Word, by prayer, by worship, and by fellowship with other Christians.

Thought for Today: What things are you filling your mind with? Do you see how what you allow into your mind affects the way you think and behave? Today, ask God for a clean heart and a clean mind.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Take time to review today’s updated prayer fuel. Select a few prayer points and lift them up to the Lord. Deo Volente.

Kris Pei