"Christmas for Others" Women's Ministry Event
In celebration of the birth of Jesus, we will be doing a service project this year. This event will support Olive Crest, an agency that cares for at-risk families in various ways, including foster care. We will be putting together arts and craft bags for Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) to do during their Christmas event, and also for young children visiting their biological parents during their visitation time. We will also be putting together centerpieces for the TAY Christmas party.
This service project will be in person in the Fellowship Hall. We will have a short devotional followed by the time of putting together the items. Boxed lunches (Corner Bakery sandwich w/chips) will be served at the end of the event.
Childcare will not be provided, however, high schoolers, junior highers and school age children are invited to participate in the service project alongside a registered adult. We will be charging a registration fee of $10 per person to cover the cost of lunch. Registration will be open November 1-28. Click here for online registration. You may also register in person after Worship Service.
***We will also be collecting donations of craft supplies for the craft bags and for the centerpieces, as well as monetary donations for other craft supplies. Look for the registration table (in the sanctuary narthex) after service starting in November.
If you have any questions, please contact Kristin Gong at kgong@wintersburg.org or Cami Chang at cchang@wintersburg.org