Iron Sharpens Iron

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

This morning I am having breakfast with Pastor Wayne Ogimachi. Many know Pastor Wayne as he has often been a speaker at JEMS Mt. Hermon, he pastored the Anaheim Free Methodist Church, and Christian Layman Church in Oakland, and he recently retired from the Lighthouse Christian Church of Bellvue, Washington.

Before coming to Wintersburg I spent time talking with Pastor Wayne at Mt. Hermon and he even came to visit me in Monterey as he knew that I would be returning to Wintersburg and was seeking out his wisdom and guidance from his many years of pastoral ministry.

Pastor Wayne has always been available to numerous pastors to help them grow in their ability to lead. Through the years I have learned a great deal from Wayne and I am grateful that he called me to let me know he was in SoCal and wanted to get together.

Just as others sharpen us, so you can sharpen your friends. You can encourage them in their walk with Jesus. You can challenge them to surrender more of their life to Jesus. You can share your wisdom with them from your own life experiences.

Thought For Today: Who has helped sharpen you as a Christian? Who can you help sharpen to be all they can be for Christ?

Today’s Prayer Focus: Thank God for those who have sharpened you. Ask God to reveal people that you can sharpen. Deo Volente.

Kris Pei