Samaritan’s Purse

For God so loved the WORLD, that He gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

On Sunday, I shared with you that for this coming Sunday, our guest speaker will be Rev. Troy Gardner of Samaritan’s Purse. I got to know Troy as he spoke to my home church in Monterey following the outbreak of COVID-19. If you recall, one of the first nations to experience the spread of the coronavirus was Italy. At that time Samaritan’s Purse sent a team to build an Emergency Field Hospital in Cremona Italy. A team of 70 doctors, nurses, pharmacists, technicians, etc. were sent.

As Samaritan’s purse arrived on the scene, the mayor of Cremona said “You are the first bright light in a dark sky.” Franklin Graham commented, “We are here to be instruments in God’s hands to share the love of God.” Samaritan’s Purse has been rated one of the top 10 Charitable organizations in the world and in my mind, a ministry worth donating to. Our God is a missionary God who desires all people to come to a saving knowledge of Christ. Revelation 5:9 tells us that the blood of Jesus “purchased for God persons of every tribe, language, and people and nation.” Through Christian ministries like Samaritan’s Purse and other missionaries around the world, they are the “light of the world.” In the midst of the darkness of this time, may we too shine as lights and share the love of God. May God grow us to be global Christians.

Thought For Today: Take time today to give praise to God that He so loved the WORLD that he gave us his son Jesus. Give thanks to God that He is a Missionary God who desires people from every tribe, language, people, and nation to come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Pray for those who are serving the Lord as missionaries throughout the world in these difficult days. Pray for our missionaries as they minister God’s love. Pray that all missionaries would be protected and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be the light of the world and to share the love and good news of the gospel. Special prayer for Alison Smith who will be leaving soon for her assignment with OMF in Japan. Deo Volente.

Please be sure to attend church service on Sunday to hear the inspiring words of Pastor Troy.

Kris Pei