A Walk Of Integrity

He who walks with integrity walks securely; the man who takes crooked paths will be found out.”
Proverbs 10:9

As we began 2024, I set a goal to walk 10,000 steps a day. Unfortunately, this ambitious goal is turning out to be only about 8,000 or around 4 miles a day.

Whether you are an avid walker or prefer a leisurely stroll, Proverbs 10:9 tells us that the Lord wants your steps to be saturated with integrity. This week I had to fill up my car twice. I usually gas up at Arco and pay cash because it saves me money. However, on Monday I was owed $15.47 in change but received only $10.47 in change. I didn’t realize it until I got home and checked my change.

Then while driving up to Northern California to attend the Presbytery meeting, I stopped at another Arco station. I thought I had given the attendant $40 dollars but I actually gave him $140. The cashier said, “Sir, you gave me too much money.

My first thought was this guy is really honest, and so I told him I appreciated his honesty. He said, “I’m an honest guy.” I don’t know if this guy was a Christian or not, but I appreciated his honesty and integrity. As followers of Jesus, we are to walk with integrity.

Thought for Today: How about you? Do you enjoy walking? Are you a person who walks with integrity? Examine yourself today to see if you are walking your talk.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Pray that you would be an imitator of Jesus who walked a life of integrity. Deo Volente.

Kris Pei