Monday Morning Quarterback

“Then the whole congregation of the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness.” Exodus 16:2

Were you able to catch any of Sunday’s football games? The Kansas City Chiefs defeated the Baltimore Ravens and The San Francisco 49ers made a great comeback to defeat the Detroit Lions 34 to 24. Many people will criticize the Detroit Lions Head coach, Dan Campbell as he made two calls that backfired.

If your team loses, one of the things you will hear is the “second-guessing” of the decision that the head coach made. This is often referred to as being a Monday morning quarterback, a person who criticizes the actions or decisions of others after the fact, using hindsight to assess situations and specify alternative solutions. Nowadays we have instant commentary, oftentimes from retired quarterbacks, players, or coaches announcing the games

While the phrase “Monday Morning Quarterback” is obviously used for football purposes, we often hear this in relation to other situations. Maybe a business decision or even a decision that was made in the church. People pass judgment and criticize the outcome.

Exodus 16:2 tells us that the people complained to Moses and Aaron in the wilderness as they journeyed towards the promised Land. Yet, little did they understand that God was purifying them in the midst of their exodus.

Thought For Today: It is easy to second guess or be a Monday morning quarterback, but we never know what plans and purposes God is using to work out his good for us in the midst of difficult events.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Praise God that He is sovereign and in control of all circumstances. Deo Volente.

Kris Pei