The Fruit of Kindness

“For the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness…..” Galatians 5:22-23

Yesterday as I was driving, I saw a gentleman holding up a sign that read, “I am a veteran who was happy to serve you. Now, I am in need. Can you please help me?” More and more these days we see people around us who are in need. I don’t always give to the people on the streets carrying signs, but the fact that this gentleman said that he was a veteran struck me.

In my car, I have a roll of one dollar bills for just an occasion and gave him a few dollars. After that, he said, “Thank you sir for your kindness.”

It wasn’t long ago that our Thursday night bible study did a series on the Fruit of the Spirit. One of those fruit is the fruit of kindness.

Thought For Today: I saw a quote today that went: “At the end of this day, will the world be a little more kind, gracious, and loving place because of your presence.” Kindness is not a one-time act but a lifestyle. How are you doing on cultivating the fruit of kindness?

Today’s Prayer Focus: Pray that the Lord will grow the fruit of kindness in our lives. Deo Volente.

Kris Pei