The Heavens Declare


By Paul Shiroma


Early in our marriage, Barbara and I used to take long road trips to see the National Parks. It was a great way to spend time together and talk while we drove many hundreds of miles across the southwestern United States. Years later, we repeated some of the trips, this time with Andrew and Nathaniel so they could see the Parks as well as Parks Barbara and I hadn’t had a chance to visit. 

God’s creation is a wonderful way to reconnect with Him. It shows you His power and creativity. His love for us, demonstrated by giving us such a beautiful planet to live on. All you have to do is walk out to your backyard and watch the birds or butterflies. Or, take a moment, and look at the mountains surrounding Southern California. Or wait until nightfall and then look straight up.


The night sky is an awe-inspiring sight. When I was in high school, my Dad and I used to backpack into the High Sierras for long weekends in the high country. There, without any city lights, you can see the belt of our own Milky Way galaxy running across the night sky. A huge, dense band of stars! 

Take some time this week to look up one night and look at the moon and stars. Or, if you can, look to the north and east and gaze at the mountains. In Psalm 19, the writer opens his Psalm as follows: 

1 The heavens are telling of the glory of God;

And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.

2 Day to day pours forth speech,

And night to night reveals knowledge.

3 There is no speech, nor are there words;

Their voice is not heard.

We have an awesome and wonderful God who graciously cares for us. Turn off the news today and think about how much God has blessed us. As Psalm 46:10 says, “Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Just look around and remind yourself of how much He cares for you.

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Use the time we have been given, each day, to give praise and glory to God!

This devotional was given in its original form on May 7 for the Thursday Devotional time on YouTube. To watch this video and the other Thursday devotional videos, click here.

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